Curiosity Makes the Tracker!
Curiosity is a mindset. It is the hunger for knowledge. The willingness to see beyond the surface of things. It’s the key to a trackers mindset. Curiosity propels the tracker to explore and follow the track.
Curiosity is a mindset. It is the hunger for knowledge. The willingness to see beyond the surface of things. It’s the key to a trackers mindset. Curiosity propels the tracker to explore and follow the track.
Life is busy. There’s a lot going on. It’s easy to feel disorientated and to get off track. Getting back on track again is a vital skill. It’s an essential part of learning to live and lead effectively.
Renias Mhlongo and Alex van den Heever have a relationship of deep mutual respect. I listened to their story recently and it moved me ....
7 leadership lessons from an expert wildlife tracker + 10 powerful questions to reflect on for your own leadership journey.